

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Cara Mengukur Sumber Tagangan Motherboard Laptop

ukur tegangan laptop

  On general principles, circuit size laptop sources are similar to the picture above.
  1.     TPS51020 ICs a 3v3 and 5V source.
  2.     IT8511 SIO.
  3.     A / D Dock In source adapter plugged in
  4.     VBAT is the battery source
  5.     AC_BAT is the power supply for the circuit, it can be obtained from the adapter or battery.

System Operation:
  1. Source level AC_BAT for IC source 3v3/5V (24 feet TPS51020)
  2. IC 5V 3v3/5V create (VREG5 feet 22 TPS51020) for SIO
  3. SIO get 3v3 from 5VAO line of IC 3v3/5V
  4. SIO Since pressure AC_IN (consider using Adapter or not)
  5. SIO ordered 3v3 and 5v source (EN1 and EN2)TPS51020 create 3v3 and 5v (one branch of the 3v3 or 5v will take back to Power feed SIO) remaining for the entire circuit.
  6. Signal TPS51020 Power Good (PWRGD) for SIO
  7. Button click 3v3 sources and wait press the power button.
  8. When pressing the power button click, SIO ordered secondary sources (or source) as: RAM native South, chip North, VGA chip source
  9. SIO continues to open source Vcore for the CPU completes the of source circuit size.

Test Flow circuit source:
  • Source AC_Bat to have and to foot powered IC 3v3/5v (the TPS51020). This source is open = 1 or 2 mosfet and usually drawn with the charging circuit. Refer to Battery charging circuit and open source AC_Bat.
  • TPS51020 must create and 5v (VREG5) grant for SIO.
  • SIO command to open the EN1 and EN2 of TPS51020 (if lost, we can try to apply to assume this command).
  • EN1 and EN2 must have 3v3 and 5v
  • 3v3 and 5v OK, PWRGD feet high
  • 3v3 and 5v ok, legs right sources 3v3
  • When you click the source, if other secondary sources are OK, the entire source will run. One of the secondary source "problem" circuit "protected" and disconnect all sources <- as excitement turned off.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Jalur Data Pinout Usb Mini Dan Usb Standar

Gambar Pinout Usb Mini Dan Usb Standar yang biasa digunakan gadget mulai dari printer, Handphones, camera digital dan banyak aplikasi lainnya, buat teknisi berguna sekali mengetahui pinout jalur data sebuah kabel data transfer seperti kabel usb, berikut pinout usb dari beragam kabel usb yang banyak digunakan.

 1. Standard USB Pinout & Cable Color Code

    Pin        Wire Color     Function
    1     Red     V BUS (+5V)
    2     White     D-
    3     Green     D+
    4     Black     Ground

2. Mini-USB Type-A Pinout & Cable Color Code

    Pin        Wire Color     Function
    1     Red     V BUS (+5V)
    2     White     D-
    3     Green     D+
    4     Joined to pin 5     ID
    5     Black     Ground

3. Mini-USB Type-B Pinout & Cable Color Code

    Pin        Wire Color     Function
    1     Red     V BUS (+5V)
    2     White     D-
    3     Green     D+
    4     Not connected (*)     ID
    5     Black     Ground

Monday, 1 October 2012

Toshiba L200 Schematics

Buat Sobat yang butuh schematics / skema notebook merk toshiba tipe L200 bisa di download disini.
spesifikasi skema notebook toshiba L200 / schematics notebook L200 adalah :

skema-notebook toshiba L200

CPU: Intel Merom
North Bridge: Crestline
South Bridge: ICH8-M
Title : Miami 10
No    : 1310A21108
Files : pdf

Download Toshiba L200 Schematics :

Monday, 20 August 2012

Acer Aspire 1640Z (Quanta ZL9) schematics

The motherboard schematic for Acer Aspire 1640Z, Acer Aspire 1650Z laptop/notebook,
The motherboard schematic for Acer TravelMate 4070, Acer TravelMate 4080 laptop/notebook
Quanta ZL9
North Bridge: INTEL ALVISO 915PM/GM
South Bridge: INTEL ICH6-M
OEM: Quanta Computer Inc.
Rev: 3A
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 33
File size: 1.28MB

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1640/1650 Acer TravelMate 4060 Rev: 3A

The motherboard schematic for Acer TravelMate 4060 laptop/notebook
Quanta ZL8 Rev 3A
North Bridge: ALVISO 915GM
South Bridge: INTEL ICH6-M
OEM: Quanta Computer Inc.
Rev: 3A
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 26
File size: 929KB

Price: 1$ 

Acer Aspire 1640/ 1650 Acer TravelMate 4060 Rev: 2A

The motherboard schematic for Acer TravelMate 4060 laptop/notebook
Quanta ZL8 Rev 2A
North Bridge: ALVISO 915GM
South Bridge: INTEL ICH6-M
OEM: Quanta Computer Inc.
Rev: 2A
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 26
File size: 929KB

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1640/ 1650 Acer TravelMate 4060 Rev: 1A

The motherboard schematic for Acer Aspire 1640, Acer Aspire 1650 laptop/notebook
The motherboard schematic for Acer TravelMate 4060 laptop/notebook
Quanta ZL8 Rev 1A
North Bridge: ALVISO 915GM
South Bridge: INTEL ICH6-M
OEM: Quanta Computer Inc.
Rev: 1A
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 26
File size: 929KB

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1400XV-COMPAL LA-1252-ACR10 schematics

The motherboard schematic for Acer Aspire 1400XV laptop/notebook,
ACR10 Compal LA-1252
CPU: Pentium4/Northwood
North Bridge: Brookdale
South Bridge: ICH2
OEM: Compal Electronics, Inc.
Model Name: ACR10 LA-1252
Revision : 1.0
Title: SCHEMATIC, M/B LA-1252
Document Number: 401219
Rev: 1A
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 39
File size: 739KB

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1400 (COMPAL LA-1512) schematics

The motherboard schematic for Acer Aspire 1400 laptop/notebook,
Compal LA-1512
CPU: Pentium4/Northwood
North Bridge: Brookdale
South Bridge: Intel ICH2
OEM: Compal Electronics, Inc.
Model Name : BBR20 LA-1512
Title: SCHEMATIC, M/B LA-1512
Document Number: 401225
Revision: 1A
Total Pages: 44
File size: 805KB

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1310-Quanta ET2T schematics

Price: 1$

Acer Aspire 1300-Quanta ET2S schematics

The motherboard schematic for Acer Aspire 1300 laptop/notebook,
Quanta ET2S
CPU:  Processor ( Socket A )
North Bridge: Twister-K NB VT8362
South Bridge: Super South VIA
OEM: Quanta Computer
Project: ET2S
Rev: 3D
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 26
File size: 717KB

Price: $1

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Schematics Diagram Notebook Samsung Samoa X360 Download

Schematics Diagram Notebook Samsung Samoa X360
Model : SAMOA PBA Name: Mainboard
Files : PDF

Download Here

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Asus A6F Schematics

Free Download Sechematics Asus A6F Block diagram Chipset:945GM+ICH7; Main Memory:DDR2 533 SDRAM Video Graphics chip:Intel GMA 950; Supporting Processor:Intel Centrino Core Solo/Intel Centrino Duo

North Bridge: MCH-M Calistoga 945GM
South Bridge: ICH7-M
Project Name: Asus A6F schematics block diagram
Files       : pdf


Sunday, 10 June 2012

How To Recover Acer Aspire One Death

Indication of Damage:
When the Acer Aspire One is turned on by pressing the power on, the screen does not display any blank alias. But the LED on the power button turns green. And there are no signs that the ACER ASPIRE ONE will be live and proceeds go to the windows.

Acer Aspire One cause of Death:
Death of Acer Aspire One is caused by the BIOS program is damaged or corrupted data occur in the Acer Aspire One BIOS of this. This is likely to occur as a result of a bug in the BIOS Acer Aspire One or the default from the factory.

repair acer aspire one dead

1. Prepare flasdisk maximum 2Gb, then format it with FAT partitions flasdisk. Just info, we use 2 Gb kingston pendrive brand black in color.

2. Download Acer Aspire One BIOS file, the following link : Here

3. Extract File zipnya, then extract the file again and copy the results of earlier extracted 2 files in it that is FLASHIT.EXE and ZG5IA32.FD to flasdisk directly without the folder / directory.

4. Plug in the USB port flasdisk left netbook Acer Aspire One

5. Plug Carger your Acer Aspire One netbook.

6. Press the Esc key and then hold down Fn and then press the power button once.
After about 15-30 seconds, release the Fn + Esc. Then the power button will be blinking

7. Press the power button again, then it will flasddisk lights blinking, a sign that the BIOS file in the flasdisk being accessed (Important..! Let some time because the process is running even though visible light does not turn on power.)

8. Wait a few moments, then the power light will stop blinking and then netbooks will restart by itself.

9. After restarting, the Acer Aspire One will live again normally.
(Bios Recovery Process Acer Aspire One is not more than 10 minutes).


Source :

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Mengenal Elco ( Capasitor ) Atau Kondensator

Capasitor/Elco atau nama lainnya adalah kondensator. Adalah komponen yang terdiri dari 2 pelat logam yang dipisahkan dengan isolator. Isolator ini menunjukkan nama dari kapasitor tersebut. Ukuran kapasitor adalah Farad.

1 Farad (F) = 1.000.000 mikro Farad (F)
1 mikro Farad (F) = 1.000 nano Farad (nF)
1 nano Farad (nF) = 1.000 piko Farad (pF)

Sifat kapasitor adalah dapat menerima arus listrik dan menyimpannya dalam waktu yang relatif.
Jenis ada beberapa macam antara lain :

a. Kondensator Elektrolit / ELCO (kondensator yang memiliki polaritas, kaki + dan kaki -)
b. Kondensator Keramik
c. Kondensator Mylar
d. Kondensator Mika
e. Kondensator Kertas

Penggunaan kapasitor dalam rangkaian :
• Sebagai perata arus
• Sebagai penyimpan arus listrik

Simbol Kondensator dalam Rangkaian adalah "C" dan simbol gambarnya adalah :

Cara Membaca Elco

Misalnya dibadan ELCO tertera tulisan 10uF/16v berarti ELCO tersebut memiliki ukuran 10 mikro farad dan tegangan kerjanya maksimal 16v. Jika tegangan yang diberikan lebih besar dari tegangan kerja maka ELCO akan rusak. Sisi ELCO yang terdapat tanda panah menunjukkan kaki disisi tersebut adalah kaki negatif.

Cara Membaca Kapasitor Keramik / Mika / Mylar

Misalnya di badan kapasitor tersebut tertera tulisan 103 artinya :
• Angka I : melambangkan angka
• Angka II : melambangkan angka
• Angka III : melambangkan jumlah nol & ukurannya dalam piko Farad.
Jadi nilai kapasitor tersebut adalah 10.000 pF = 10 nF = 0,01uF.

Mengukur Elco Dengan Multitester
1. Putar batas ukur pada Ohmmeter X1 / X10 untuk elco yang ukurannya besar dan X100 / X1K untuk elco yang ukurannya kecil.
2. Hubungkan probe ke masing-masing kaki ELCO (bolak balik sama saja)
3. Lihat penunjukan jarum pada papan skala.

Kesimpulan Hasil Pengukuran

• Jarum menunjuk angka & kembali ke tempat semula : elco baik
• Jarum menunjuk angka & tidak kembali ke tempat semula : elco bocor
• Jarum tidak bergerak sama sekali : elco putus
• Jarum menunjuk angka nol : elco short

Mengukur Kapasitor Non Polar Dengan Multitester
1. Putar batas ukur pada Ohmmeter X1K / X10K
2. Hubungkan probe ke masing-masing kaki kapasitor (bolak balik sama saja)
3. Lihat penunjukan jarum pada papan skala.

Kesimpulan Hasil Pengukuran :

1. Jarum menunjuk angka kemudian & ke tempat semula : kapasitor baik
2. Jarum menunjuk angka tdk kembali ke tempat semula : kapasitor bocor
3. Jarum tidak bergerak : kapasitor putus

4. Jarum menunjuk angka nol : kapasitor short

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Schematic Diagram Lenovo W700 DDR3 Notebook

Schematic Lenovo W700

The motherboard schematic diagram Lenovo W700 DDR3 notebook.
CUP: Mobile Penryn
North Bridge: Intel Cantiga-PM
South Bridge: Intel ICH9-M
OEM: Wistron Corporation
Document Number: N-Note
Format: PDF


Schematic Diagram DELL Inspiron 1440

Schematic Diagram  DELL Inspiron 1440

The motherboard schematic diagram  DELL Inspiron 1440(Discrete) notebook. Lanai Discrete VGA nVidia NB8M Schematics Document, uFCPGA Mobile Merom, Intel Crestline-PM + ICH8M.
CUP: Merom
North Bridge: Crestline
South Bridge: ICH8-M


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Schematic Diagram Compaq CQ40 AMD Download

Schematic  Diagram  for Hp Compaq CQ40  AMD Pros Compal LA-4112P.
Files : PDF

Microprocessor AMD Turion X2 Mobile Processor RM-75 2.2 GHz,
Microprocessor Cache 1 MB L2 Cache
Memory 1024 MB DDRAM II
Video Graphics ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
Video Memory Video Memory with 256MB shared video memory
Hard Drive 320 GB SATA HDD (5400 rpm)
Display 14.1″ Diagonal WXGA High-Definition BrightView Widescreen
Wireless Connectivity 802.11b/g WLAN
Webcam Webcam 1.3Mpx
Sound Altec Lansing® speakers
Operating System Free DOS
Weight 2.4kg
Power 65 W AC Adapter
6-cell Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)

Link Download :

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Schematic Diagram Acer 4736

skema acer 4736

Schematic diagram  Acer 4736, Acer Aspire 4736Z notebook
Compal LA-4493, KALH0 /KAL90+ /KALG0 M/B Schematic Document
CPU: Penryn
Chipset: Cantiga + DDRII + ICH9M
OEM: Compal Confidential
Title: SCHEMATIC LA-4493
Document Number: 401689
Revision: 1.0
Format: PDF

Link Download:

Monday, 16 January 2012

Schematic Diagram Compaq CQ45 Download

Schematic  Diagram  Compaq CQ45

Schematic  Diagram  Compaq CQ45
Wistron VITAS Motherboard.
CPU: Penryn SV
North Bridge: Cantiga-PM + nVIDIA NB9M-GE
South Bridge: ICH9-M
OEM: Wistron Corporation
Project code: 91.4I501.001
PCB P/N : 07263
Revision : SC
Document Number: VITAS
Format: PDF

Link Download :

Schematic Acer Aspire One AO532H Download

The motherboard schematic for  Acer Aspire One AO532H laptop/notebook, NAV70 Mainboard Compal LA-5651P, NAV70 Schematics Document.
CPU: Pineview + DDRII
Chipset: Tigerpoint
OEM: Compal Electronics, Inc.
Model Name : NAV70
File Name : LA-5651P
Document Number: 401793
Rev: D
Format: PDF
Total Pages: 32

Link dwonload :

Schematic Toshiba Satellite L500/L510/L531 Download

Schematic Toshiba Satellite L500/L510/L531 laptop or Notebook

Schematic Toshiba Satellite L500/L510/L531 laptop or Notebook
INVENTEC Perugia 10M , 6050a2303001-MB-A3
CPU: Penryn
North Bridge: Cantiga
South Bridge: ICH9-M
Title: Perugia 10M
Revison: x01
Document Number: 1310A2250501
Format: PDF

Link download :