

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Acer 4315 Charger Blinking

Consumers comes with Acer 4315 dead.  He said the LED blinks when the charger is plugged.  The first analysis is a short circuit occurs.  The first step has taken is, of course, remove the mainboard.  The next check is there any hot components.  This is an easy way to find a short circuit.
See in the picture if the components in the box on the pic 1 was hot.  Check the capacitors on the pic 2,

Power On Then Off in DV6000

Unit arrived with a common issue among INTEL Dual Core units.  Powers on then shuts off immediately.  Though there can be several causes of this symptom, usually the case is 'cheap'/bargain  ceramic capacitors. When shorted they can also short the AO4914 chip shown in the center of the Zoom-Out picture. In this case the cap marked with the red X is shorted. When removing it split in two